Sporting injuries
OLD FRENCH sporten + LATIN iniuria [noun]
Definition Common injuries obtained via overuse or direct impact in sports. Prevalence 247 per 100,000 children aged 0-14. Differentials Fractures, sprains, strains, dislocations, growth plate and bony injuries. Diagnosis Physical examination, X-ray, MRI. Prevention Training strategies, adequate warm up and cool down. Treatment Immobilisation, load management, prescribed exercises.
Growing pains
OLD ENGLISH growan + LATIN poena [noun]
Definition Aching or cramping in children between 3 and 12. Prevalence 37% of 4-6 year-olds. Symptoms Muscular pain in legs unaffected by movement, intermittent pain, onset of pain at night and gone by morning. Diagnosis Diagnosis of exclusion. Prevention Highly physically active children may have reduced pain. Treatment Heat treatment, medical pain relief.