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Conditions we treat
Bladder & Bowel
- Constipation – Tough or infrequent bowel movements
- Prolapse – Bulging of the bladder through the pelvic wall due to weakened pelvic floor muscles
- Urinary Incontinence – Stress, urge, mixed, overflow or functional leakage of urine
- Faecal Incontinence – Leakage due to the inability to control bowel movements
- Overactive Bladder – Bladder contractions causing the frequent, sudden and uncontrollable urge to urinateSexual health
- Vulvodynia – Chronic pain of the vulva lasting three or more months
- Vaginismus – Pain stemming from the involuntary squeezing of the vaginal muscles during sexual intercourse
- Dyspareunia – Persistent or recurring genital pain occurring before, during or after sex
- Erectile Dysfunction – The inability to get or maintain an erection
- Vulvar Vestibulitis – A type of Vulvodynia in the vestibule – the part of the vulva at the opening of the vagina
- Pelvic Organ Prolapse – A pelvic floor disorder where pelvic organs (bladder, uterus, vagina, small bowel, rectum) can descend into the vagina or anus
- Vaginismus – Pain stemming from the involuntary squeezing of the vaginal muscles when something (like a tampon) enters
- Pelvic Floor Pain from endometriosis or surgery (hysterectomy, prolapse repair) – Any pain occurring in the internal reproductive organs
- Endometriosis – When tissue similar to that found in the uterus grows outside of the uterus and is not broken down, leading to inflammation, scar tissue and lesions
Prostate Health
- Urinary Incontinence – Leakage of urine caused by a weakened pelvic floor following prostate surgery
- Erectile Dysfunction – The inability to get or maintain an erection after prostate cancer treatment
- Chronic groin pain – Persistent pain or inflammation in the male pelvic region.
- Post-prostatectomy dysorgasmia (painful orgasms) – Painful ejaculations following prostate surgery