LATIN vulva + GREEK dynia (sorrow) [noun]
Definition Chronic vulvar pain condition. Prevalence Estimated to affect 4-8% of women. Symptoms Burning, stinging or rawness in the genital area. Diagnosis Pelvic exam, cotton swab test. Prevention Avoiding tight clothing, avoiding activities that put pressure on the vulva, using lubrication. Treatment Biofeedback therapy, pelvic floor therapy, medications.
LATIN vagina + -ism [noun]
Definition Involuntary squeezing of the vaginal muscles during attempted penetration. Prevalence Impacts 1 in 10 women. Symptoms Pain, discomfort, anxiety. Diagnosis Pelvic exam, medical and sexual history. Prevention Progressive desensitisation. Treatment Pelvic floor therapy, dilators, counselling.
ENGLISH dys (difficult) + GREEK pareunos (lying with) [noun]
Definition Painful sex. Prevalence Affects approximately 14% of women, primarily ages 18-24. Symptoms Genital pain before, during or after intercourse. Diagnosis Pelvic exam and health history. Prevention Adequate lubrication and foreplay. Treatment Pelvic floor muscle exercises, counselling, technique modification, dilators, behaviour modification.
Erectile Dysfunction
LATIN erigere + dys (difficult) + function [noun]
Definition Inability to get or maintain an erection. Prevalence 61% of Australian men aged 45 or older self-report some degree of erectile dysfunction. Symptoms Difficulty becoming or staying erect, reduced sexual desire. Diagnosis Physical exam, blood tests, urinalysis, penile Doppler ultrasound. Prevention Not smoking, regular physical activity, avoiding overconsumption of drugs and alcohol, following a healthy diet. Treatment Pelvic floor muscle training, medications.