Vulvar Vestibulitis
LATIN vulva + vestibulum (entrance) + itis (inflammation) [noun]
Definition Localised type of vulvodynia. Prevalence Estimated to affect 4-8% of women. Symptoms Burning pain at the opening of the vagina. Diagnosis Pelvic exam, cotton swab test. Prevention Avoiding tight clothing, avoiding activities that put pressure on the vulva, using lubrication. Treatment Biofeedback therapy, pelvic floor therapy, medications.
Pelvic Organ Prolapse
LATIN prolabi [noun]
Definition Bulging of the pelvic organs into the vagina or anus. Prevalence Affects roughly half of all women who’ve given birth. Symptoms A heavy feeling in the vagina, bulging that can be seen or felt, weak urine stream, sexual pain, urinary tract infections and difficulty emptying the bladder or bowel. Diagnosis By pelvic examination and sometimes Real Time Ultrasound Prevention Pelvic floor strengthening exercises, regular physical activity and increased fibre intake to reduce the risk of developing prolapse. Treatment Pelvic floor muscle strengthening exercises, pessaries or surgery for more severe cases.
LATIN vagina + -ism [noun]
Definition Involuntary squeezing of the vaginal muscles during attempted penetration. Prevalence Impacts 1 in 10 women. Symptoms Pain, discomfort, anxiety. Diagnosis Pelvic exam, medical and sexual history. Prevention Progressive desensitisation. Treatment Pelvic floor therapy, dilators, counselling.
Pelvic Pain
LATIN pelvis + poena [noun]
Definition Pain occurring in the internal reproductive organs. Prevalence Affects 1 in 5 women. Symptoms Bloating, bowel and bladder problems, muscle spasms, painful sex, pain from endometriosis or surgery. Diagnosis Pelvic exam, medical history, laboratory tests, ultrasound. Prevention Early intervention. Treatment Pelvic floor muscle strengthening, pain relief medication.
GREEK endo (within) + metra (uterus) + -osis (disease) [noun]
Definition Uterine tissue growing outside of the uterus. Prevalence Affects 1 in 9 women. Symptoms Painful periods, heavy bleeding, pain during sex or bowel movements, difficulty conceiving. Diagnosis Laparoscopy. Prevention None. Treatment EMG and biofeedback, pelvic floor manual therapy, physiotherapist prescribed exercises, ultrasound, pain relief medication, surgery.