Conditions we treat
- Constipation – Tough or infrequent bowel movements
- Prolapse – Bulging of the bladder through the pelvic wall due to weakened pelvic floor muscles
- Urinary Incontinence – Stress, urge, mixed, overflow or functional leakage of urine
- Faecal Incontinence – Leakage due to the inability to control bowel movements
- Overactive Bladder – Bladder contractions causing the frequent, sudden and uncontrollable urge to urinateSexual health
- Vulvodynia – Chronic pain of the vulva lasting three or more months
- Vaginismus – Pain stemming from the involuntary squeezing of the vaginal muscles during sexual intercourse
- Dyspareunia – Persistent or recurring genital pain occurring before, during or after sex
- Erectile Dysfunction – The inability to get or maintain an erection
- Pelvic Pain – Pain in the region of internal reproductive organs
- Pelvic Floor Weakness – Lessened strength in the pelvic floor muscles after pregnancy
- Urinary Incontinence – A bladder control issue resulting in leakage of urine
- Pelvic Organ Prolapse – The descent or bulging of one or more pelvic organs into the vagina or anus
- Sexual Dysfunction – The inability to experience sexual satisfaction, stemming from four categories of disorder including desire, arousal, orgasm and pain
- Back Pain – Physical pain or discomfort occurring anywhere on the spine or back
- Wrist and thumb pain – Localised pain from the wrist to the thumb commonly due to inflammation of the tendons (e.g. De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis)
- Perineal Tears – Tearing or grazing of the perineum that can occur during vaginal childbirth
- Diastasis Rectus Abdominus – Separation of the large abdominal muscles that commonly occurs in pregnancy
- Mastitis – Inflammation of the breast commonly caused by a blocked milk duct or bacteria entering the breast
- Blocked Ducts – A tender area of the breast where milk flow is obstructed
- Nipple Trauma – Dry, sore, irritated or cracked nipples resulting from poor attachment in breastfeeding